Friday, May 24, 2019

America Needs Its Nerds Essay

The socially and physically inept, the outcasts, often associated with computers and books- these characteristics constitute the stereotype of the average geek. Students are afraid to give out their identities in an environment among their peers because of the fear of being an outcast among the idolized jocks. In an excerpt from America Needs Its Nerds Harvard student and writer Leonid Fridman expresses his disgust for the unjust discourse of individuals who are essential to our country- the geeks. He addresses the American public with a call to action to put geeks into their deserved positions, giving them hope and motivation to express their confess identities. Fridman utilizes irony when discussing how even Harvard students are being picked on, as well as the compare and contrast between Americas discouraging treatment of the dweeb to East Asia and Chinas praising of them, to represent how the fear of social rejection has forced these mistreated judgements to hide their acade mic capabilities.Leonid Fridmen is disappointment with the fact that even at Harvard, one of the top Ivy League colleges, students are still picked on because of their levels of intellect. It is ironic that even at one of the top colleges in America where nerds and geeks overlook the realm of the school that anti-intellectualism is rampant. Social standing competes with intelligence even at the most academic institution, showing America that students are ashamed of their intellect because of the negative stereotypes society degraded them with. Fridman also employs irony when referring to getting wasted at parties by describing how nerds avoid damaging their brain and bodies, but are punished socially for notphysically hurting themselves.Fridmans call to action addresses the American public as being erroneous in their actions of idolizing the nonintellectual while degrade the studious intellectuals when he compares Americas academic values to those of East Asias. In America, athlet es and celebrities are rewarded and more prevalent in society and so those interest in pursuing academics. With these characteristics of our society, it is impossible to compete in the technology rate or be a leading political and cultural force with former(a) countries who encourage academics rather than reject the individuals who excel in it.Fridmans belief of demeaning the intellectual is a continual paradigm in our society today. In 2003, Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected to be the Governor of California however, it was primarily for his name recognition as a body builder and film star, lacking any pose working in government. Although Schwarzenegger lacked the intellectual knowledge he needed, he was elected because the public idolized him. The public is more interested in the media and athletics and discharge to realize the important impact researchers and intellects have on our world.Colleges pay college athletic coaches more than the professors working at an institution. Americans pay more on professional sports then they do to fund cancer research or education. As USA Today wrote, You can get a Nobel Prize at your university and you wont get anywhere near that attention. And so I think between the public and the media, they are telling us what they value. The public is involved, and often times addicted, to athletes or social media and reject the academically motivated as outcasts from the ideal society. Unfortunately, this public is unaware of the capabilities of academic achievement and the progress it has brought us in our world.

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